Supervisord on Linux (Outdated)


  • You are running on Linux
  • You have installed supervisord
  • You have seen a shell prompt at least a few times in your life
  • You have configured your stuff properly in config.ini
  • You understand worker separation
  • You can tie your own shoelaces

The good stuff

cd into your root RocketMap folder. Then:

cd contrib/supervisord/

When this completes, you will have all the required files. (this copies itself and the required files so that there is no conflict when doing a git pull. Now we are going to edit your local copy of

cd ~/supervisor

In this file, change the variables needed to suit your situation. Below is a snippet of the variables:

# Name of coords file. SEE if you dont have one!

# Webserver Location
initloc="Dallas, TX"
# Account name without numbers

# Variables
hexnum=1   # This is the beehive number you are creating. If its the first, or you want to overwrite, dont change
worker=0   # This is the worker number. Generally 0 unless 2+ Hives
acct1=0    # The beginning account number for the hive is this +1
numacct=5  # This is how many accounts you want per worker
pass="yourpasshere" # The password you used for all the accounts
auth="ptc" # The auth you use for all the accounts
st=5       # Step Count per worker
sd=5       # Scan Delay per account
ld=1       # Login Delay per account
directory='/path/to/your/runserver/directory/' # Path to the folder containing **NOTICE THE TRAILING /**

As you saw above you will need to create a coords.txt (or whatever you decide to name it. I personally use city.stepcount.coords as my naming convention). We are going to use

cd (your RocketMap main folder here)
python Tools/Hex-Beehive-Generator/ -lat "yourlat" -lon "yourlon" -st 5 -lp 4 -or "~/supervisor/coords.txt"

Now run the script

cd ~/supervisor

You should now have a bunch of .ini files in ~/supervisor/hex1/

You can now do:

supervisord -c ~/supervisor/supervisord.conf

And you will have a working controllable hive! You should be able to see from the web as well at http://localhost:5001 Read up on the supervisord link at the top if you want to understand more about supervisorctl and how to control from the web.