Command Line (Outdated)ΒΆ

usage: [-h] [-cf CONFIG] [-scf SHARED_CONFIG] [-a AUTH_SERVICE]
                [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD] [-w WORKERS]
                [-asi ACCOUNT_SEARCH_INTERVAL]
                [-ari ACCOUNT_REST_INTERVAL] [-ac ACCOUNTCSV]
                [-hlvl HIGH_LVL_ACCOUNTS] [-bh] [-wph WORKERS_PER_HIVE]
                [-l LOCATION] [-alt ALTITUDE] [-altv ALTITUDE_VARIANCE]
                [-uac] [-j] [-al] [-st STEP_LIMIT] [-gf GEOFENCE_FILE]
                [-gef GEOFENCE_EXCLUDED_FILE] [-sd SCAN_DELAY]
                [--spawn-delay SPAWN_DELAY] [-enc] [-cs] [-ck CAPTCHA_KEY]
                [-cds CAPTCHA_DSK] [-mcd MANUAL_CAPTCHA_DOMAIN]
                [-mcr MANUAL_CAPTCHA_REFRESH]
                [-ignf IGNORELIST_FILE] [-encwf ENC_WHITELIST_FILE]

                [-nostore] [-apir API_RETRIES]
                [-wwhtf WEBHOOK_WHITELIST_FILE]
                [-ld LOGIN_DELAY] [-lr LOGIN_RETRIES] [-mf MAX_FAILURES]
                [-me MAX_EMPTY] [-bsr BAD_SCAN_RETRY]
                [-msl MIN_SECONDS_LEFT] [-dc] [-H HOST] [-P PORT]
                [-L LOCALE] [-c] [-m MOCK] [-ns] [-os] [-sc] [-nfl]
                -k GMAPS_KEY [--skip-empty] [-C] [-cd] [-np] [-ng] [-nr]
				[-nk] [-ss [SPAWNPOINT_SCANNING]] [-speed] [-spin]
                [-ams ACCOUNT_MAX_SPINS] [-kph KPH] [-hkph HLVL_KPH]
                [-ldur LURE_DURATION] [-px PROXY] [-pxsc]
                [-pxt PROXY_TEST_TIMEOUT] [-pxre PROXY_TEST_RETRIES]
                [-pxbf PROXY_TEST_BACKOFF_FACTOR]
                [-pxc PROXY_TEST_CONCURRENCY] [-pxd PROXY_DISPLAY]
                [-pxf PROXY_FILE] [-pxr PROXY_REFRESH]
                [-pxo PROXY_ROTATION] --db-name DB_NAME --db-user DB_USER
                --db-pass DB_PASS [--db-host DB_HOST] [--db-port DB_PORT]
                [--db-threads DB_THREADS] [-DC] [-DCw DB_CLEANUP_WORKER]
                [-wh WEBHOOKS] [-gi] [-DC]
                [--wh-types {pokemon,gym,raid,egg,tth,gym-info,pokestop,lure,captcha}]
                [--wh-threads WH_THREADS] [-whc WH_CONCURRENCY]
                [-whr WH_RETRIES] [-whct WH_CONNECT_TIMEOUT]
                [-whrt WH_READ_TIMEOUT] [-whbf WH_BACKOFF_FACTOR]
                [-whlfu WH_LFU_SIZE] [-whfi WH_FRAME_INTERVAL]
                [--ssl-certificate SSL_CERTIFICATE]
                [--ssl-privatekey SSL_PRIVATEKEY] [-ps [logs]]
                [-slt STATS_LOG_TIMER] [-sn STATUS_NAME] [-hk HASH_KEY]
                [-novc] [-vci VERSION_CHECK_INTERVAL]
                [-odt ON_DEMAND_TIMEOUT] [--disable-blacklist] [--disable-blacklist]
                [-tp TRUSTED_PROXIES] [--api-version API_VERSION]
                [--no-file-logs] [--log-path LOG_PATH] 
                [--log-filename LOG_FILENAME] [--dump] [-exg]

                [-v | --verbosity VERBOSE] [-Rh RARITY_HOURS]
                [-Rf RARITY_UPDATE_FREQUENCY]

Args that start with β€˜β€“β€™ (eg. -a) can also be set in a config file (config/config.ini or specified via -cf or -scf). The recognized syntax for setting (key, value) pairs is based on the INI and YAML formats (e.g. key=value or foo=TRUE). For full documentation of the differences from the standards please refer to the ConfigArgParse documentation. If an arg is specified in more than one place, then commandline values override environment variables which override config file values which override defaults.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        [env var: POGOMAP_HELP]
  -cf CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        Set configuration file
  -scf SHARED_CONFIG, --shared-config SHARED_CONFIG
                        Set a shared config
  -a AUTH_SERVICE, --auth-service AUTH_SERVICE
                        Auth Services, either one for all accounts or one per
                        account: ptc or google. Defaults all to ptc.
                        [env var: POGOMAP_AUTH_SERVICE]
  -u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
                        Usernames, one per account.
                        [env var: POGOMAP_USERNAME]
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        Passwords, either single one for all accounts or one
                        per account. [env var: POGOMAP_PASSWORD]
  -w WORKERS, --workers WORKERS
                        Number of search worker threads to start. Defaults to
                        the number of accounts specified.
                        [env var: POGOMAP_WORKERS]
                        Seconds for accounts to search before switching to a
                        new account. 0 to disable.
                        [env var: POGOMAP_ACCOUNT_SEARCH_INTERVAL]
                        Seconds for accounts to rest when they fail or are
                        switched out. [env var: POGOMAP_ACCOUNT_REST_INTERVAL]
  -ac ACCOUNTCSV, --accountcsv ACCOUNTCSV
                        Load accounts from CSV file containing
                        "auth_service,username,password" lines.
                        [env var: POGOMAP_ACCOUNTCSV]
  -hlvl HIGH_LVL_ACCOUNTS, --high-lvl-accounts HIGH_LVL_ACCOUNTS
                        Load high level accounts from CSV file containing
                        "auth_service,username,password" lines.
                        [env var: POGOMAP_HIGH_LVL_ACCOUNTS]
  -bh, --beehive        Use beehive configuration for multiple accounts, one
                        account per hex. Make sure to keep -st under 5, and -w
                        under the total amount of accounts available.
                        [env var: POGOMAP_BEEHIVE]
  -wph WORKERS_PER_HIVE, --workers-per-hive WORKERS_PER_HIVE
                        Only referenced when using --beehive. Sets number of
                        workers per hive. Default value is 1.
                        [env var: POGOMAP_WORKERS_PER_HIVE]
  -l LOCATION, --location LOCATION
                        Location, can be an address or coordinates.
                        [env var: POGOMAP_LOCATION]
  -alt ALTITUDE, --altitude ALTITUDE
                        Default altitude in meters.
                        [env var: POGOMAP_ALTITUDE]
  -altv ALTITUDE_VARIANCE, --altitude-variance ALTITUDE_VARIANCE
                        Variance for --altitude in meters
                        [env var: POGOMAP_ALTITUDE_VARIANCE]
  -uac, --use-altitude-cache
                        Query the Elevation API for each step, rather than
                        only once, and store results in the database.
                        [env var: POGOMAP_USE_ALTITUDE_CACHE]
  -j, --jitter          Apply random -5m to +5m jitter to location.
                        [env var: POGOMAP_JITTER]
  -al, --access-logs    Write web logs to access.log.
                        [env var: POGOMAP_ACCESS_LOGS]
  -st STEP_LIMIT, --step-limit STEP_LIMIT
                        Steps. [env var: POGOMAP_STEP_LIMIT]
  -gf GEOFENCE_FILE, --geofence-file GEOFENCE_FILE
                        Geofence file to define outer borders of the scan
                        area. [env var: POGOMAP_GEOFENCE_FILE]
                        File to define excluded areas inside scan area.
                        Regarded this as inverted geofence. Can be combined
                        with geofence-file.
                        [env var: POGOMAP_GEOFENCE_EXCLUDED_FILE]
  -sd SCAN_DELAY, --scan-delay SCAN_DELAY
                        Time delay between requests in scan threads.
                        [env var: POGOMAP_SCAN_DELAY]
  --spawn-delay SPAWN_DELAY
                        Number of seconds after spawn time to wait before
                        scanning to be sure the Pokemon is there.
                        [env var: POGOMAP_SPAWN_DELAY]
  -enc, --encounter     Start an encounter to gather IVs and moves.
                        [env var: POGOMAP_ENCOUNTER]
  -cs, --captcha-solving
                        Enables captcha solving.
                        [env var: POGOMAP_CAPTCHA_SOLVING]
  -ck CAPTCHA_KEY, --captcha-key CAPTCHA_KEY
                        2Captcha API key. [env var: POGOMAP_CAPTCHA_KEY]
  -cds CAPTCHA_DSK, --captcha-dsk CAPTCHA_DSK
                        Pokemon Go captcha data-sitekey.
                        [env var: POGOMAP_CAPTCHA_DSK]
                        Domain to where captcha tokens will be sent. [env var:
                        Time available before captcha page refreshes. [env
                        var: POGOMAP_MANUAL_CAPTCHA_REFRESH]
                        Maximum time captchas will wait for manual captcha
                        solving. On timeout, if enabled, 2Captcha will be used
                        to solve captcha. Default is 0.
                        [env var: POGOMAP_MANUAL_CAPTCHA_TIMEOUT]
  -ed ENCOUNTER_DELAY, --encounter-delay ENCOUNTER_DELAY
                        Time delay between encounter pokemon in scan threads.
                        [env var: POGOMAP_ENCOUNTER_DELAY]
  -ignf IGNORELIST_FILE, --ignorelist-file IGNORELIST_FILE
                        File containing a list of Pokemon IDs to ignore, one
                        line per ID. Spawnpoints will be saved, but ignored
                        Pokemon won't be encountered, sent to webhooks or
                        saved to the DB. [env var: POGOMAP_IGNORELIST_FILE]
  -encwf ENC_WHITELIST_FILE, --enc-whitelist-file ENC_WHITELIST_FILE
                        File containing a list of Pokemon IDs to encounter for
                        IV/CP scanning. One line per ID.
                        [env var: POGOMAP_ENC_WHITELIST_FILE]
  -nostore, --no-api-store
                        Don't store the API objects used by the high level
                        accounts in memory. This will increase the number of
                        logins per account, but decreases memory usage.
                        [env var: POGOMAP_NO_API_STORE]
  -apir API_RETRIES, --api-retries API_RETRIES
                        Number of times to retry an API request.
                        [env var: POGOMAP_API_RETRIES]
  -wwhtf WEBHOOK_WHITELIST_FILE, --webhook-whitelist-file WEBHOOK_WHITELIST_FILE
                        File containing a list of Pokemon IDs or names to be sent
                        to webhooks. [env var: POGOMAP_WEBHOOK_WHITELIST_FILE]
  -ld LOGIN_DELAY, --login-delay LOGIN_DELAY
                        Time delay between each login attempt.
                        [env var: POGOMAP_LOGIN_DELAY]
  -lr LOGIN_RETRIES, --login-retries LOGIN_RETRIES
                        Number of times to retry the login before refreshing a
                        thread. [env var: POGOMAP_LOGIN_RETRIES]
  -mf MAX_FAILURES, --max-failures MAX_FAILURES
                        Maximum number of failures to parse locations before
                        an account will go into a sleep for -ari/--account-
                        rest-interval seconds. [env var: POGOMAP_MAX_FAILURES]
  -me MAX_EMPTY, --max-empty MAX_EMPTY
                        Maximum number of empty scans before an account will
                        go into a sleep for -ari/--account-rest-interval
                        seconds.Reasonable to use with proxies.
                        [env var: POGOMAP_MAX_EMPTY]
  -bsr BAD_SCAN_RETRY, --bad-scan-retry BAD_SCAN_RETRY
                        Number of bad scans before giving up on a step.
                        Default 2, 0 to disable.
                        [env var: POGOMAP_BAD_SCAN_RETRY]
  -msl MIN_SECONDS_LEFT, --min-seconds-left MIN_SECONDS_LEFT
                        Time that must be left on a spawn before considering
                        it too late and skipping it. For example 600 would
                        skip anything with < 10 minutes remaining. Default 0.
                        [env var: POGOMAP_MIN_SECONDS_LEFT]
  -dc, --display-in-console
                        Display Found Pokemon in Console.
                        [env var: POGOMAP_DISPLAY_IN_CONSOLE]
  -H HOST, --host HOST  Set web server listening host. [env var: POGOMAP_HOST]
  -P PORT, --port PORT  Set web server listening port. [env var: POGOMAP_PORT]
  -L LOCALE, --locale LOCALE
                        Locale for Pokemon names (default: en, check
                        static/dist/locales for more).
                        [env var: POGOMAP_LOCALE]
  -c, --china           Coordinates transformer for China.
                        [env var: POGOMAP_CHINA]
  -m MOCK, --mock MOCK  Mock mode - point to a fpgo endpoint instead of using
                        the real PogoApi, ec:
                        [env var: POGOMAP_MOCK]
  -ns, --no-server      No-Server Mode. Starts the searcher but not the
                        Webserver. [env var: POGOMAP_NO_SERVER]
  -os, --only-server    Server-Only Mode. Starts only the Webserver without
                        the searcher. [env var: POGOMAP_ONLY_SERVER]
  -sc, --search-control
                        Enables search control.
                        [env var: POGOMAP_SEARCH_CONTROL]
  -nfl, --no-fixed-location
                        Disables a fixed map location and shows the search bar
                        for use in shared maps. [env var:
  -k GMAPS_KEY, --gmaps-key GMAPS_KEY
                        Google Maps Javascript API Key.
                        [env var: POGOMAP_GMAPS_KEY]
  --skip-empty          Enables skipping of empty cells in normal scans -
                        requires previously populated database (not to be used
                        with -ss) [env var: POGOMAP_SKIP_EMPTY]
  -C, --cors            Enable CORS on web server. [env var: POGOMAP_CORS]
  -cd, --clear-db       Deletes the existing database before starting the
                        Webserver. [env var: POGOMAP_CLEAR_DB]
  -np, --no-pokemon     Disables Pokemon from the map (including parsing them
                        into local db.) [env var: POGOMAP_NO_POKEMON]
  -ng, --no-gyms        Disables Gyms from the map (including parsing them
                        into local db). [env var: POGOMAP_NO_GYMS]
  -nr, --no-raids       Disables Raids from the map (including parsing them
                        into local db). [env var: POGOMAP_NO_RAIDS]
  -nk, --no-pokestops   Disables PokeStops from the map (including parsing
                        them into local db). [env var: POGOMAP_NO_POKESTOPS]
  -ss [SPAWNPOINT_SCANNING], --spawnpoint-scanning [SPAWNPOINT_SCANNING]
                        Use spawnpoint scanning (instead of hex grid). Scans
                        in a circle based on step_limit when on DB.
                        [env var: POGOMAP_SPAWNPOINT_SCANNING]
  -ssct SS_CLUSTER_TIME, --ss-cluster-time SS_CLUSTER_TIME
                        Time threshold in seconds for spawn point clustering
                        (0 to disable). [env var: POGOMAP_SS_CLUSTER_TIME]                      
  -speed, --speed-scan  Use speed scanning to identify spawn points and then
                        scan closest spawns. [env var: POGOMAP_SPEED_SCAN]
  -spin, --pokestop-spinning
                        Spin Pokestops with 50% probability.
                        [env var: POGOMAP_POKESTOP_SPINNING]
  -ams ACCOUNT_MAX_SPINS, --account-max-spins ACCOUNT_MAX_SPINS
                        Maximum number of Pokestop spins per hour.
                        [env var: POGOMAP_ACCOUNT_MAX_SPINS]
  -kph KPH, --kph KPH   Set a maximum speed in km/hour for scanner movement.
                        0 to disable. Default: 35. [env var: POGOMAP_KPH]
  -hkph HLVL_KPH, --hlvl-kph HLVL_KPH
                        Set a maximum speed in km/hour for scanner movement,
                        for high-level (L30) accounts. 0 to disable.
                        Default: 25. [env var: POGOMAP_HLVL_KPH]
  -ldur LURE_DURATION, --lure-duration LURE_DURATION
                        Change duration for lures set on pokestops. This is
                        useful for events that extend lure duration.
                        [env var: POGOMAP_LURE_DURATION]
  -px PROXY, --proxy PROXY
                        Proxy url (e.g. socks5://
                        [env var: POGOMAP_PROXY]
  -pxsc, --proxy-skip-check
                        Disable checking of proxies before start.
                        [env var: POGOMAP_PROXY_SKIP_CHECK]
  -pxt PROXY_TEST_TIMEOUT, --proxy-test-timeout PROXY_TEST_TIMEOUT
                        Timeout settings for proxy checker in seconds.
                        [env var: POGOMAP_PROXY_TEST_TIMEOUT]
  -pxre PROXY_TEST_RETRIES, --proxy-test-retries PROXY_TEST_RETRIES
                        Number of times to retry sending proxy test requests
                        on failure. [env var: POGOMAP_PROXY_TEST_RETRIES]
  -pxbf PROXY_TEST_BACKOFF_FACTOR, --proxy-test-backoff-factor PROXY_TEST_BACKOFF_FACTOR
                        Factor (in seconds) by which the delay until next
                        retry will increase.
                        [env var: POGOMAP_PROXY_TEST_BACKOFF_FACTOR]
                        Async requests pool size.
                        [env var: POGOMAP_PROXY_TEST_CONCURRENCY]
  -pxd PROXY_DISPLAY, --proxy-display PROXY_DISPLAY
                        Display info on which proxy being used (index or
                        full). To be used with -ps.
                        [env var: POGOMAP_PROXY_DISPLAY]
  -pxf PROXY_FILE, --proxy-file PROXY_FILE
                        Load proxy list from text file (one proxy per line),
                        overrides -px/--proxy. [env var: POGOMAP_PROXY_FILE]
  -pxr PROXY_REFRESH, --proxy-refresh PROXY_REFRESH
                        Period of proxy file reloading, in seconds. Works only
                        with -pxf/--proxy-file. (0 to disable).
                        [env var: POGOMAP_PROXY_REFRESH]
  -pxo PROXY_ROTATION, --proxy-rotation PROXY_ROTATION
                        Enable proxy rotation with account changing for search
                        threads (none/round/random).
                        [env var: POGOMAP_PROXY_ROTATION]
  -wh WEBHOOKS, --webhook WEBHOOKS
                        Define URL(s) to POST webhook information to. [env
                        var: POGOMAP_WEBHOOK]
  -gi, --gym-info       Get all details about gyms (causes an additional API
                        hit for every gym). [env var: POGOMAP_GYM_INFO]
  -DC, --enable-clean   Enable DB cleaner. [env var: POGOMAP_ENABLE_CLEAN]
  --wh-types {pokemon,gym,raid,egg,tth,gym-info,pokestop,lure,captcha}
                        Defines the type of messages to send to webhooks.
                        [env var: POGOMAP_WH_TYPES]
  --wh-threads WH_THREADS
                        Number of webhook threads; increase if the webhook
                        queue falls behind. [env var: POGOMAP_WH_THREADS]
  -whc WH_CONCURRENCY, --wh-concurrency WH_CONCURRENCY
                        Async requests pool size.
                        [env var: POGOMAP_WH_CONCURRENCY]
  -whr WH_RETRIES, --wh-retries WH_RETRIES
                        Number of times to retry sending webhook data on
                        failure. [env var: POGOMAP_WH_RETRIES]
  -whct WH_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, --wh-connect-timeout WH_CONNECT_TIMEOUT
                        Connect timeout (in seconds) for webhook requests.
                        [env var: POGOMAP_WH_CONNECT_TIMEOUT]
  -whrt WH_READ_TIMEOUT, --wh-read-timeout WH_READ_TIMEOUT
                        Read timeout (in seconds) for webhook requests.
                        [env var: POGOMAP_WH_READ_TIMEOUT]
  -whbf WH_BACKOFF_FACTOR, --wh-backoff-factor WH_BACKOFF_FACTOR
                        Factor (in seconds) by which the delay until next
                        retry will increase. [env var:
  -whlfu WH_LFU_SIZE, --wh-lfu-size WH_LFU_SIZE
                        Webhook LFU cache max size.
                        [env var: POGOMAP_WH_LFU_SIZE]
  -whfi WH_FRAME_INTERVAL, --wh-frame-interval WH_FRAME_INTERVAL
                        Minimum time (in ms) to wait before sending the next
                        webhook data frame.
                        [env var: POGOMAP_WH_FRAME_INTERVAL]
  --ssl-certificate SSL_CERTIFICATE
                        Path to SSL certificate file.
                        [env var: POGOMAP_SSL_CERTIFICATE]
  --ssl-privatekey SSL_PRIVATEKEY
                        Path to SSL private key file.
                        [env var: POGOMAP_SSL_PRIVATEKEY]
  -ps [logs], --print-status [logs]
                        Show a status screen instead of log messages. Can
                        switch between status and logs by pressing enter.
                        Optionally specify "logs" to startup in logging mode.
                        [env var: POGOMAP_PRINT_STATUS]
  -slt STATS_LOG_TIMER, --stats-log-timer STATS_LOG_TIMER
                        In log view, list per hr stats every X seconds
                        [env var: POGOMAP_STATS_LOG_TIMER]
  -sn STATUS_NAME, --status-name STATUS_NAME
                        Enable status page database update using STATUS_NAME
                        as main worker name. [env var: POGOMAP_STATUS_NAME]
  -spp STATUS_PAGE_PASSWORD, --status-page-password STATUS_PAGE_PASSWORD
                        Set the status page password. [env var:
  -hk HASH_KEY, --hash-key HASH_KEY
                        Key for hash server [env var: POGOMAP_HASH_KEY]
  -novc, --no-version-check
                        Disable API version check. [env var:
                        Interval to check API version in seconds (Default: in
                        [60, 300]). [env var: POGOMAP_VERSION_CHECK_INTERVAL]
  -el ENCRYPT_LIB, --encrypt-lib ENCRYPT_LIB
                        Path to encrypt lib to be used instead of the shipped
                        ones. [env var: POGOMAP_ENCRYPT_LIB]
  -odt ON_DEMAND_TIMEOUT, --on-demand_timeout ON_DEMAND_TIMEOUT
                        Pause searching while web UI is inactive for this
                        timeout (in seconds). [env var:
  --disable-blacklist   Disable the global anti-scraper IP blacklist.
                        [env var: POGOMAP_DISABLE_BLACKLIST]
  -tp TRUSTED_PROXIES, --trusted-proxies TRUSTED_PROXIES
                        Enables the use of X-FORWARDED-FOR headers to identify
                        the IP of clients connecting through these trusted
                        proxies. [env var: POGOMAP_TRUSTED_PROXIES]
  --api-version API_VERSION
                        API version currently in use.
                        [env var: POGOMAP_API_VERSION]
  --no-file-logs        Disable logging to files. Does not disable --access-
                        logs. [env var: POGOMAP_NO_FILE_LOGS]
  --log-path LOG_PATH   Defines directory to save log files to.
                        [env var: POGOMAP_LOG_PATH]
  --log-filename LOG_FILENAME
                        Defines the log filename to be saved. Allows date
                        formatting, and replaces <SN> with the instance's
                        status name. Read the python time module docs for
                        details. Default: %Y%m%d_%H%M_<SN>.log. [env var:
  --dump                Dump censored debug info about the environment and
                        auto-upload to [env var: POGOMAP_DUMP]
  -v                    Show debug messages from RocketMap and pgoapi. Can be
                        repeated up to 3 times.
  --verbosity VERBOSE   Show debug messages from RocketMap and pgoapi.
                        [env var: POGOMAP_VERBOSITY]

  --db-name DB_NAME     Name of the database to be used.
                        [env var: POGOMAP_DB_NAME]
  --db-user DB_USER     Username for the database. [env var: POGOMAP_DB_USER]
  --db-pass DB_PASS     Password for the database. [env var: POGOMAP_DB_PASS]
  --db-host DB_HOST     IP or hostname for the database.
                        [env var: POGOMAP_DB_HOST]
  --db-port DB_PORT     Port for the database. [env var: POGOMAP_DB_PORT]
  --db-threads DB_THREADS
                        Number of db threads; increase if the db queue falls
                        behind. [env var: POGOMAP_DB_THREADS]

Database Cleanup:
  -DC, --db-cleanup     Enable regular database cleanup thread.
                        [env var: POGOMAP_DB_CLEANUP]
                        Clear worker status from database after X minutes of
                        inactivity. Default: 30, 0 to disable.
                        [env var: POGOMAP_DB_CLEANUP_WORKER]
                        Clear pokemon from database X hours after they
                        disappeared. Default: 0, 0 to disable.
                        [env var: POGOMAP_DB_CLEANUP_POKEMON]
  -DCg DB_CLEANUP_GYM, --db-cleanup-gym DB_CLEANUP_GYM
                        Clear gym details from database X hours after last gym
                        scan. Default: 8, 0 to disable.
                        [env var: POGOMAP_DB_CLEANUP_GYM]
                        Clear spawnpoint from database X hours after last
                        valid scan. Default: 720, 0 to disable.
                        [env var: POGOMAP_DB_CLEANUP_SPAWNPOINT]
  -DCf DB_CLEANUP_FORTS, --db-cleanup-forts DB_CLEANUP_FORTS
                        Clear gyms and pokestops from database X hours after
                        last valid scan. Default: 0, 0 to disable.
                        [env var: POGOMAP_DB_CLEANUP_FORTS]                        

Dynamic Rarity:
  -Rh RARITY_HOURS, --rarity-hours RARITY_HOURS
                         Number of hours of Pokemon data to use to calculate
                         dynamic rarity. Decimals allowed. Default: 48. 0 to
                         use all data. [env var: POGOMAP_RARITY_HOURS]
                         How often (in minutes) the dynamic rarity should be
                         updated. Decimals allowed. Default: 0. 0 to disable.
                         [env var: POGOMAP_RARITY_UPDATE_FREQUENCY]